Alexander Harmon

Alexander Harmon

Alexander Harmon

Freelance Web Designer & Developer

Web Developer Graduate, working on my freelance journey. Skilled in JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS3 and a host of other programming languages. A fast learner and a problem solver with a wide variety of skills and degrees.


Web Development

HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | PHP | WordPress | MySQL | Responsive Design | Frontend | WCAG Accessibility

My first work in web development was for developing games for the browser in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. While I didn’t learn the best practices for website design. This gave me the valuable lesson of problem solving and developing solutions on my own.

Once I begun taking classes at CCCC with their web professional degree, I quickly knew that I wanted to become a web developer. Through my time at CCCC, I learned the best practices of HTML5, CSS3 JavaScript, Mobile first design, Responsive Design, WCAG accessibility, create wireframes and mockups. I was also taught PHP and MySQL to work with WordPress architecture to create unique themes from scratch.

Actively Learning

React | TypeScript | Frontend

But this is not where I want to stop, I am working towards learning more web development libraries and skills. I am currently working through a book to learn React and TypeScript. I want to grow my frontend capability and hope to find a job that will improve these skills.

For me, I don’t like for my skills and knowledge to stagnate, I am constantly trying to learn more or improve myself. That could be the reason that I have learned so many different languages over the years and types of software development.


JavaScript | C# | Java | Python | PHP | Lua

Throughout my time in college and my own interests, I have learned and picked up many different programming languages. My most familiar languages are JavaScript and C#. That is because I have used both to create games and game systems as well as used JavaScript for developing websites.

I have taken Advanced Java courses and also used it to make mobile android apps in the past during my classes at GTCC. I also know Python and PHP from taking classes with them.

Game Development

JavaScript | C# | Custom Game Engine | Unity3D | Blender | 3D Modeling | Lua

During my


Lua is a recent language that I picked up on to create export scripts for Aseprite as I needed an export script to speed up the development for my Unity2D game. GitHub Link

3d modeling


GitHub | MySQL | PhotoShop | Krita | Gimp

During the time that I was taking Web Professional degree, I was introduced to GitHub. I have several of my project’s code on my personal GitHub account, as well as some of my themes for my websites that I have created.

I have also been introduced to and used MySQL which I can see it will be useful in the future when I try to become a Fullstack Web Developer.


The Quest Brothers

Website— Full-Stack Web Developer
February 202

As part of a project for The Quest Brother’s book in D&D role-playing, I created a website that served as an online resource for players. The website was designed to be visually appealing and user-friendly, with a focus on making it easy for the client to add new encounters.

To achieve this goal, I developed a custom design that incorporated the client’s branding and the book’s theme. This design was not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, with clear navigation and search features that enabled users to quickly find what they were looking for.

Additionally, I implemented a content management system that allowed the client to easily add new encounters and other content to the website without requiring technical expertise. This system ensured that the website remained up-to-date and relevant for players.

Throughout the project, the user experience was a key consideration. I tested the website extensively to ensure that users could easily navigate around different sections and access the content they needed. By prioritizing the user experience and designing a website that met the client’s needs, I was able to create a valuable resource for The Quest Brother’s book in D&D role-playing.

HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript

Alexander Harmon Photography

WP Theme & Website — Frontend Web Developer
March 202

Designed and created Alexander Harmon Photography as a way to showcase my photography and also provide a way for people to purchase my photos digitally. I incorporated WooCommerce to handle the store front aspect while then relying on Stripe to handle secure payments.

HTML5 | CSS3 | PHP | WordPress | WordPress Theme | GitHub | WooCommerce | E-Commerce

The Secret Life of an Ex-Wife

Website — Frontend Web Developer
March 2023

This is a website that I designed and created to promote “The Secret Life of an Ex-Wife” book. This visually stunning and intuitive website offers visitors a tantalizing taste of the book’s gripping narrative, while also providing easy links where users can purchase the book. The website was also optimized for Google Lighthouse scores in performance, best practices, SEO, & accessability.

Team | Leadership | HTML5 | CSS3 | WordPress | Responsive Design | WCAG Accessibility | Mockup

Watermelon Crochet

Website — Freelance Web Developer
August 2022 – Present

Created and currently maintains the website as the first
freelance job after graduating from Cerro Coso Community College. The website
was created using WordPress to swiftly make a website that the client needed.

HTML5 | CSS 3 | PHP | WordPress | Translation | Cookie Policy

Sleepy Woof Studios

Website — Frontend Web Developer

Created Sleepy Woof Studios website to test the frontend capabilities for
creating a website with only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While also using
responsive and mobile first design in wireframes and mockups.

HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Wireframe | Mockup | Mobile First Design | Responsive Design

Save The Children

Game — Software Developer

This game was created from the ground up in JavaScript, HTML and CSS during the
time at GTCC. The code for the game has been uploaded to GitHub and it is
possible to play and review the code on GitHub as well.

HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript

Other Projects

Software Developer
2015 – Current

View my other projects and code on my GitHub.

HTML5 | CSS3 | PHP | JavaScript | Java | Lua | Python | GitHub


AS in Web Professional,
AS in Cyber Security Technology and
AS in Information Technology

Cerro Coso Community College — Ridgecrest, California
August 2018 – August 2022

Studied various aspects of computer, computer systems and cyber security methodology at Cerro Coso.
Learned HTML 5, CSS 3, PHP, Python, MySQL and GitBash to manipulate
websites, computers, and databases.

Waiting to receive the Web Professional Diploma

Cyber Security Technology Diploma

Information Technology Diploma

Simulation & Game Development Certificate

Guilford Technical Community College — Greensboro, NC
January 2015 – December 2016

Learned Java, C# and JavaScript programming languages to use in development
of mobile apps, browser-based games, as well as the Unity Game engine.

During this time I also learned development lifecycle, 3d modeling and 3d animation


President’s Outstanding Academic Achievement Award Received the POAAA in all of the degrees and certificates at Cerro Coso by maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout the time there.

Honors Graduate Maintained a GPA of 3.7 or higher

Dean’s list Fall 2018-Graduation 2022 Consistently received the dean’s list award while working towards the three associates in science at Cerro Coso Community College.

CISOA Scholarship Award Received the CISOA Scholarship reward based on  enthusiasm and academic excellence in technology.

Phi Theta Kappa Member of the Phi Theta Kappa honors society.